I was in New Orleans again, as well as Natchitoches and Baton Rouge Louisiana over the past few weeks. In New Orleans I had the wonderful opportunity to see the Mardi Gras Indians doing one of their occasional practice runs. As you may know the Indians are really Africans (or African-Americans, or African-French, or Afro-Creole or whatever). The men work all year on their hand beaded, sequined and feathered costumes. There was music, dancing in the street, grilled sausages and homemade pralines.
I am pleased to announce that I am giving a lecture on American mid-20th Century enamel art/craft/design at the Arkansas Arts Center on March 31st. If you happen to be in Little Rock I hope you will attend. The AAC has an outstanding collection of 20th century crafts. Check out their website and some images from my lecture below: http://www.arkarts.com/